The real fact is that shared web hosting is not as secure as dedicated web hosting, but if you can’t afford dedicated web hosting than shared is good for you because it is the cheapest one and good for beginners. You will have to pay only $3-10 for shared hosting and $150-250 for dedicated hosting per month. Shared hosting does not provides full control to the use but it is good for beginners, this plan can be upgraded after some time.
In shared web hosting each site gets certain bandwidth and web space etc. Shared hosting may be IP or name based. IP based hosting is better than name based for security views. It does not use shared SSL certificate but its own.
Web hosting is payable thing for you. That means you are taking some web space for a certain time period by giving rent. Shared hosing is called shared because in this technique a single server is shared by a huge number of web sites
The people which are beginner for web page hosting service this may be complicated for them. After getting a small knowledge you will understand that many kind of hosting web sites are available and these may create confusion for you. These all kinds of Hosting Web are having some own merits and demerits. The four main kinds of web hosting are Dedicated Web Hosting, Shared Hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting and Reseller Hosting. But shared hosting is most common from all.
The general expense of shared hosting is about $3-10 and it is much smaller than others that are why it is most common from others. However some companies are offering $1 per month for shared hosting. Some companies are offering for pay per year and give different discounts for different plans of web page hosting. So which hosting package you want to choose (pay yearly or monthly) it is totally depend on you.
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